Bakugan Armored Alliance
Once More into the Maze/Grandpas in the Wild
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The Past Revealed/Run! A Storm's on the Way
Ajit remembers the day he met Pharol and Auxilataur./Still upset that Ajit has given up his life as a phantom thief, Storm rolls out Hydranoid x Aquos and attacks!
Bakugan Armored Alliance
The Past Revealed/Run! A Storm's on the Way

Golden Bakugan Encounter/Ties of Gold
Traveling through the maze, Dan and Shun, discover McQ who is seeking a golden Bakugan./With tired Bakugan, the Awesome Brawlers give it their all to defend against evil.
Bakugan Armored Alliance
Golden Bakugan Encounter/Ties of Gold

Nightmare/Bad Dan
Dan hasn't been sleeping well lately. No "sleep brawling" this time, but he's constantly tossing and turning./Haavik has taken control of Dan and sends him on a Bakugan rampage!
Bakugan Armored Alliance
Nightmare/Bad Dan

Dusk Industries Under Attack/Taking Dan Back
"Bad Dan" has his taken his rampage to Dusk Industries where he has help spreading chaos and destruction./"Bad Dan", Haavik's crew, and their fusion Bakugan continue their rampage.
Bakugan Armored Alliance
Dusk Industries Under Attack/Taking Dan Back

Who's the Fake?!/Trouble Busters! 2
With the reveal that Haavik is a shapeshifting Alien, the ABs start to get super-paranoid./A kid brawler named Oliver has lost his Bakugan! This is a job for the Trouble Busters.
Bakugan Armored Alliance
Who's the Fake?!/Trouble Busters! 2

Bakugan Battle Circus/Ebony Manor
Shun and Dan head to the Bakugan circus for a little fun./Lightning reunites with an old frenemy – Ebony.
Bakugan Armored Alliance
Bakugan Battle Circus/Ebony Manor

Everett's Trap/Kazami Vs. McQ
Shun and Masato head to Tokyo's Battle Island to discuss plans for hosting public Bakugan battles./Shun and Masato manage to fend off a horde of brawlers on Battle Island.
Bakugan Armored Alliance
Everett's Trap/Kazami Vs. McQ

The Awesome Burger Brawl/Master and Apprentice
The Burger Joint is hosting a hamburger eating contest to promote their new Bakugan themed burger!/A wealthy man has duped Storm and Ajit, and trapped them in his personal prison.
Bakugan Armored Alliance
The Awesome Burger Brawl/Master and Apprentice

Bakugan Uproar/The Fusion Bakugan Sabrus
Haavik unleashes his newly created five-faction fusion Bakugan: Sabrus on the city of Los Volmos./The Awesome Brawler's are in pursuit of Haavik and his new Bakugan, Sabrus.
Bakugan Armored Alliance
Bakugan Uproar/The Fusion Bakugan Sabrus

Ancient Golden Bakugan Garillion/The Name of Infinity
Garillion Infinity has come to Los Volmos to put an end to Haavik's show of destruction./Haavik and his Bakugan Sabrus take their rampage to AAAnimus' headquarters.
Bakugan Armored Alliance
Ancient Golden Bakugan Garillion/The Name of Infinity