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Timmy Time

78 Episodes

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26 Episodes

Timmy's Jigsaw


Timmy has lost the last piece to his jigsaw puzzle! Wandering the nursery to find it, he discovers other lost toy pieces, but fails to find his jigsaw piece.

Timmy's Hiccup Cure


Kid has the hiccups! Fascinated, he and Timmy try everything to get rid of them, but to no avail. Timmy finally gives up, frustrated, kicking a beach ball underneath the see-saw.

Timmy Wants to Win


Everyone's getting involved in Sports Day, and Timmy is determined to win! But after missing out on first prize race after race, his dreams of winning begin to falter..

Timmy the Artist


Timmy and Mittens are paired up to paint each other's portraits during an art session. They soon get into a messy paint war because they both want the bigger brush.

Timmy Can't Dance


The class are exploring various dance styles, but Timmy cannot get into the groove! He soon discovers a passion for hip-hop music and wows his friends with his break-dancing moves.

Timmy Says Sorry


Timmy accidentally kicks a football through the nursery window! After a stretch on the naughty stump, he tries to be more careful, but ends up knocking down Otus' sandcastle.

Timmy Steals the Show


Whilst bossing everybody about during rehearsals for the nursery's talent show, diva Yabba loses her voice! Timmy saves the day by performing for her.

Timmy Wants the Beret


Ruffy is wearing a beret and Timmy wants it! After successfully getting hold of it Timmy also takes Otus' glove-puppet and Mittens' wagon!

Timmy Wants the Blues


Timmy's having a blue day, collecting the blue toys, blue cushions and blue paint. But when he has to paint a picture, he discovers he's going to need more than just one colour.

Timmy Plays Ball


The class are learning how to play football, but Timmy keeps hogging the ball! Ruffy and Paxton soon get bored, leaving Timmy to play football with a not-very-athletic Otus.

Timmy's Picnic


The class is off on a picnic! But during a game of football, the ball bursts on Apricot's spikes. Apricot feels guilty that the little animals no longer have a ball to play with…

Timmy Tries to Hide


The class are playing Hide And Seek, but no-one wants to hide with the noisy Paxton, who keeps giving them away. Timmy finally helps Paxton by hiding him behind some hay-bales.

Timmy on Wheels


Timmy's having fun on the tricycle, but Ruffy doesn't have much luck learning how to ride it. Timmy can't be bothered to teach him, until he struggles riding himself.

Snapshot Timmy


It's time for the class photo, but Timmy just cannot keep himself clean! And to top it all off, the camera is playing up for poor old Osbourne...

Timmy Goes Bang


After hearing thunder during a storm, Timmy's fixated with loud noises, banging anything he can find! These sounds frighten Apricot, until she finds something to bang together.

Timmy Afloat


The class are making boats, but Timmy has been paired with sneezy Stripey, who's ruining his efforts. Stripey accidentally breaks Otus' boat, Timmy has to give the little owl his.

Timmy Gets the Job Done


It's time to clean the Nursery, but all Timmy wants is to go outside and play. Rushing his chores, he ends up getting himself into trouble, and sent to sit on the Naughty Stump.

Timmy Needs a Bath


After a game of football, muddy Timmy is determined not to have a bath. He doesn't care that his grubbiness is upsetting his friends until his teddy-bear gets dirty too!

Timmy Wants the Drum


During a music lesson, Timmy decides he wants to play the drum! But when it is given to Yabba, and he is given a triangle to play, he goes about trying to get the drum for himself.

Go Kart Timmy


There's a new pedal go-kart in the playground, and all the animals are desperate to have a go, not least Timmy! But his eagerness behind the wheel soon leads him into trouble.

Timmy's Train


Timmy and his classmates are playing trains, but both he and Mittens want to be the leader! They try to win over their pals with increasingly impressive train costumes.

Timmy's Puppet


On his way to nursery, Timmy's homemade sock-puppet falls out of his backpack. Poor Timmy doesn't realise until he arrives to see everyone playing with their own puppets!

Timmy the Builder


Following Otus's example, the class begin building dens for themselves. Otus offers to help Timmy with his, but Timmy's pride gets the better of him – he can do this on his own!

Timmy Brings a Smile


Apricot has brought her favourite blanket to the nursery and she won't let it go! When she briefly puts it down the other animals mistake it for a rag which they use to clean up.

Timmy's Mask


Timmy and his friends all make animal masks to wear. Timmy makes a dinosaur mask, and won't take it off until it's time to play football.

Timmy's Spring Surprise


It's gardening time at the Nursery. Harriet hands out seeds to Timmy and his friends and shows them all how to grow plants. Everyone grows healthy green plants except for Timmy!

26 Episodes

Timmy Learns Magic


Timmy is thrilled when he sees Osbourne practicing a conjuring act. Convinced he can do magic too, Timmy tries to impress his friends – but none of the tricks seem to work.

Sticky Timmy


Harriet shows Timmy and his friends how to make a collage. But Timmy gets glue all over himself and soon the items that the classmates have collected are stuck all over his fleece.

Timmy Gets Spooked


It's Halloween and Timmy and his friends are having lots of spooky fun. Timmy and Finlay are playing tricks on their friends, until they hear some scary noises in the Outhouse.

Sweet Dreams Timmy


It's Nap Time, but Timmy is too excited to sleep. While his friends snooze Timmy wants to play, and spends the rest of the day trying not to drop off and won't admit he's tired.

Timmy Learns to Fly


When he sees Otus flutter up to get a kite down from a tree, Timmy is very impressed. Determined to fly himself, he gets Otus to show him how it's done.

Timmy Finds Treasure


Timmy and his friends are playing pirates. Timmy is Captain and leads his chums on a treasure hunt. But when they find the X that marks the spot, there's a big surprise in store.

Timmy the Postman


It's Valentine's Day and Harriet shows the class how to make cards for their best friends. Timmy volunteers to be postman, but in his enthusiasm he loses everything from his bag.

Timmy's Truck


Timmy is determined to play with Otus' new remote-controlled truck. He tries more and more ambitious stunts, until disaster strikes and the truck gets broken.

Timmy Rings the Bell


Mittens is showing off the shiny new bell on her collar, but is inconsolable when it goes missing. Timmy hears a faint ringing sound in the garden – the hunt is on to find it!

Timmy's Tractor


The class is making things out of scrap and Timmy's very proud of his splendid tractor. He parades it around the Nursery, finding his friends are struggling. Will he help them?

Timmy's New Friend


When Yabba won't play with Timmy, he decides to make a new playmate out of modeling clay. Yabba's hurt when Timmy rejects her offers of friendship in favour of his new Best Friend.

Timmy's Birthday


It's Timmy's birthday and his friends make him a delicious cake. But as the party games begin, Timmy can't resist sneaking away to taste a bit of the tempting cake.

Timmy's Plane


The class is making items out of folded paper, and Timmy is amazed by Finlay's fantastic paper plane. He tries to copy him, but Timmy's attempt just won't fly like Finlay's.

Tidy Timmy


Harriet shows Timmy how to tidy properly. Timmy gets the tidying bug, and is soon tidying everything away – not just his own things, but all his friends' things too!

Timmy Bounces Back


Timmy and his friends are playing ball games. Stripey can't get the hang of hand-to-eye co-ordination and is upset when Yabba gets impatient with him.

Timmy's Tins


Osbourne is recycling the rubbish. Timmy's excited to turning old tin cans into toys. But what will he do when it's time for the rubbish to go back in the bins?

Timmy the Robot


Finlay brings his clockwork robot to Nursery, but as he and Timmy play it gets broken. So they make a robot costume for Timmy, but he gets a bit carried away…

Timmy's Treasure Trail


Harriet and Osbourne lay a treasure trail for the class, but Kid eats all the paper clues they've hidden around. So Timmy turns detective and follows the real clues Kid has left.

Timmy Goes Camping


The class goes to a neighbouring field where they have put up a splendid tent. Timmy builds his own tent from the picnic rug and won't join in with the others' games…

Timmy's Pet Problem


Timmy finds an old mop-head and is convinced that it is a little animal, which he adopts as his pet. His classmates don't know how to react, until Timmy's pet starts to move!

Count On Timmy


The class is playing a shop game. Timmy and Finlay both want a toy plane, but neither has enough buttons to buy it. They set up rival shops to raise buttons.

Timmy Makes a Splash


Everyone is having fun in the paddling pool, until Stripey pulls the stopper out of the valve. Disappointed, Timmy and Yabba try to find alternative pools.

Timmy's Snowball


While playing in the snow, Timmy makes a little snowball. He won't be separated from it and when Osbourne tells him he can't bring inside, he sneaks it in anyway…

Timmy's Monster


It's a wintery day and Timmy discovers some strange footprints in the snow! Convinced there's a monster on the loose, him and his friends go on a hunt for the mysterious creature.

Timmy Slips Up


A frosty playground means that Timmy and his friends can have fun sliding around. But Kid can't manage to keep his balance, and is about to give up when Timmy finds a way to help.

Timmy's Snowman


Yabba's building a great snowman, but Timmy thinks he can do better. His classmates are incredulous at Timmy's efforts, but he adds Apricot's hot water bottle as a finishing touch.

26 Episodes

Timmy Makes Music


Timmy can't decide what instrument to play at Band Practice, so he hangs on to all of them and causes chaos around the Nursery with his impromptu performances.

Beep Beep Timmy


Timmy is distraught to find the hooter on his trike is broken, but is delighted when Osbourne replaces it with the biggest, loudest hooter he's ever seen!

Doctor Timmy


It's dressing up time, and Timmy gets to play Doctor – but he won't take his costume off and insists on treating his class-mates as patients.

Timmy's Cookie


Harriet shows the class how to make cookies and Timmy decides to make one bigger than all the other cookies. He decorates it as a football, and spends the day trying to protect it.

Timmy's Big Search


When Timmy's glove puppet goes missing, he creates chaos as he hunts for it. There's no sign of it and Timmy is about to give up until he gets a big surprise when Snack Time comes.

Baby Time Timmy


Mittens is playing Mummies, and wants Timmy to be the baby in her make-shift pram. At first reluctant, Timmy soon finds out that being a baby can be fun!

Timmy Finds Aliens


Timmy's fascinated by the Moonscape collage that he and his friends make, especially the little aliens. His friends trick him into thinking that aliens have landed at the Nursery!

Ballerina Timmy


Timmy is enthralled by Mittens's new music box which has a ballerina on top. But he and Yabba manage to break her precious toy. They try to replace it but Mitten's inconsolable.

Boing Boing Timmy


Timmy thinks Otus's Jack-In-The-Box is brilliant, and he decides to make his own. But it's not as simple as it looks!

Timmy in Tune


It's Music Time, and Timmy is fascinated playing the xylophone. When Play Time comes, he insists on taking it with him, but drops it and one of the chimes is lost.

Timmy Makes it Shine


After a muddy ride around the Playground, Osbourne shows Timmy how to clean his tricycle. But thanks to his class mates his tricycle won't stay clean for long.

Fireman Timmy


When Timmy and Yabba make a fire engine out of an old cardboard box, their efforts to help their friends as they play firemen cause more problems than they solve.

Timmy and the Balloon


Yabba is distraught when Timmy manages to let her balloon go flying off into the sky. His various attempts to make replacements do little to cheer her up…

Timmy and the Super-Rabbit


Osbourne shows the class a new super-rabbit toy. Timmy is thrilled to be the first to play with it but his friends also want to include it in their less than super-heroic games.

Squeaky Timmy


Timmy and Ruffy are so tickled when they discover the fun you can have with squeaks that they accidentally spoil Otus' big moment in a musical lesson.

Timmy's Egg Heads


A treasure hunt with painted eggs! But Timmy's is nowhere to be seen. Harriet helps him searching but even she can't find where she hid his egg!

Timmy on Safari


Timmy dreams of being an explorer who tracks and photographs wild animals. He sets out to search animals around the nursery, but there aren't any to be snapped on his camera.

Timmy Shapes Up


Timmy and Kid are obsessed with triangles. Nothing else will do, everything must be 3-sided. Until they attempt building a tower of blocks or race a toy car with triangular wheels.

Timmy and the Dragon


Today the class are making a Chinese dragon and Timmy wants to be the head. But it's Finlay that gets that honour much to Timmy's disappointment…

Timmy's Bouncy Friend


Timmy's new friend is big, round, friendly and very bouncy. It's a space hopper. Timmy tries to involve his new pal in his nursery day but it keeps causing accidents.

Timmy's Twin


Stripey's playing dressing up and by accident ends up looking just like Timmy, with a white woolly waistcoat and floppy black socks on his ears. Both are pleased to have a twin.

Timmy the Hero


Timmy's imagination is sparked when he reads a superhero comic. Meet Super Timmy! Timmy is desperate to save the day but his efforts aren't always appreciated.

Fix it Timmy


Harriet is doing odd-jobs round the nursery and Timmy is eager to help out. Unfortunately his attempts at mending his friends' toys result in disaster.

Timmy and the Kite


Today's nursery activity is building and flying your very own kite. Timmy's paired with Otus, but Timmy's excitement and impatience to fly the kite causes chaos, damaging the kite.

Timmy's Castle


After a fun playtime activity of making a model castle, Timmy wants to play at being Timmy the Knight, encountering dragons and saving Damsels in Distress.

Timmy's Scrapbook


All the nursery pals are creating scrapbooks of their most precious childhood memories. Timmy has one blank page left in his book, and wants to find something perfect for it!