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39 Episodes

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39 Episodes

STG Humf Wakes Up Early


Humf wakes up so early that his Mum and Dad are still asleep. Humf doesn't mind. He climbs into bed with them, and then he gets up to get his cuddly toys and a book to read.

STG Humf's Picnic


Humf's Mum packs a picnic to take to the park. Humf carries it, but falls over on top of his rucksack and ends up sitting on it too, so by the time they eat, all the food looks strange.

STG Humf and the Tickle Monster


Sometimes Humf's Dad turns into the Tickle Monster! Humf likes being tickled and so does Wallace. When Loon comes round they discover that she doesn't like tickles at all.

STG Humf and the Moon


Uncle Hairy walks Humf home in the dark and Humf notices that the moon is following him. Humf wonders if the moon wants to come to his flat. And he discovers the moon in the sink!

STG Humf and All the Stars


When there is a power cut, Humf is reassured to see that the stars have not gone out.

STG Uncle Hairy's Band


Uncle Hairy gives Humf a gift of a little toy trumpet and together they form a marching band. When Loon and Wallace hear the noise they want to join in too.

STG Humf Goes Fast


Humf learns to do a somersault like Loon, but Wallace can't do a somersault at all, so he decides to show off how fast he can run. Loon is faster than Wallace, and Humf is the slowest.

STG Humf's New Word


Humf is curious about words, but when he asks his Mum and Dad what they say they don't seem very interesting. Then Humf discovers a new word that he does find very interesting.

STG Humf Gets Lost


When Loon's Mum takes Humf and Loon to the supermarket, Humf gets distracted by all the new things, and when he gets to the check-out he realizes that he's holding onto someone else.

STG Humf Bakes Biscuits


One day Humf bakes some cheesy biscuits with his Mum and then Loon comes over. Loon likes cheesy biscuits and is determined to look at them while they are cooling off.

STG Humf in the Fog


One day Humf wakes up and everything outside is gone. Uncle Hairy takes him out in the fog. They find Wallace too, but Wallace has lost his hat. So he and Humf go looking for it.

STG Slow Down Wallace


Wallace is wearing a cape and being his favorite superhero - Super Tiger. When Wallace bumps into Humf and steps on Loon's toes, Humf and Loon don't like it.

STG Humf and the Big Boots


Humf's mum buys Humf some new boots for the rain, but he doesn't want to take them off. He wears them to Loon's house and Loon puts on her boots too and gets her umbrella.

STG Wallace's Bath


Humf likes to have a bath, but Wallace doesn't. After they both get muddy in the park, Humf can hear Wallace running around upstairs, and then it starts raining in the bathroom.

STG Humf's Painting


Humf paints a picture of his red dad and his blue mom, but the colors run together and Humf ends up with a purple blob; he gets upset, until he realizes that purple is the same color as he is.

STG Loon's New Handbag


Loon has a new pink handbag; Humf has a cow-shaped rucksack; they both bring their bags when they go with Humf's Dad to the supermarket and the bank.

STG Wallace Pretends Too Much


Humf and Wallace pretend to be elephants; Wallace decides to pretend to be a lion, and Humf doesn't like it very much.

STG Loon's Pushchair


Humf wants to take a turn pushing Loon's stroller, but Loon won't let him; she teaches Humf the polite way to ask for something by saying "please".

STG Humf Goes Very High


Humf sees an airplane and wishes he could go that high; he and Wallace climb the slide and swing back and forth on the swings, but they are still not as high as the airplanes.

STG Wallace's Quiet Game


Humf and Loon go to Wallace's apartment to play; Wallace is too excited: when they play cars he crashes them and when they build blocks he knocks them down.

STG Humf's Red Mittens


One day it is snowing. Humf's Mum and Dad take Humf to the park and he wears his new red mittens. Humf likes the snow, and his Mum and Dad have fun building a snow furry thing.

STG Humf Climbs a Mountain


When Humf's friends Wallace and Loon come round, they don't play Humf's game the way he wants them to.

STG Uncle Hairy's Restaurant


Uncle Hairy and Humf go to a restaurant and Humf orders his favorite, spaghetti, but it doesn't look like the spaghetti he has at home.

STG Uncle Hairy's Cinema


Uncle Hairy and his girlfriend Flora take Humf, Wallace, and Loon to the cinema, where Wallace, the only one who has been to the cinema before, remembers that you get popcorn.

STG Humf and the Fluffy Thing


Humf goes to the park and avoids a Fluffy Thing in the sandpit that he's never seen before, but he soon ends up making a new friend after all.

STG Mum and Dad's Party


Mom and Dad have a party, so Wallace comes to spend the night and quickly falls fast asleep, leaving Humf wide awake.

STG Loon's Ballet Lesson


Loon has had her first ballet lesson and she shows Humf how to do ballet.

STG Humf's Surprise


Humf discovers a new game when Uncle Hairy hides behind a chair and jumps out to surprise him, but they get a bigger surprise when they are caught in the rain without an umbrella.

STG Humf and the Bedbugs


When Loon's Mum tucks Humf and Loon into bed she says, `Sleep tight, and don't let the bedbugs bite', a saying Humf has never heard before.

STG Humf and Wallace Fall Down


When Wallace says 'Falling Down' is his favorite game, he and Humf play it together.

STG Humf Changes His Mind


Loon asks Humf to bring his favorite toy for a tea party, but when Humf arrives, he finds Loon has changed her mind, prompting Humf to learn how to change his mind, too.

STG Dad Goes on an Aeroplane


Humf misses his dad, especially at bedtime, while he's away for a night, but Mom promises that Dad can kiss him goodnight two times when he comes home.

STG Humf Puts it in the Bin


Humf and Loon put lots of litter in the bin, but in his enthusiasm Humf throws away Dad's newspaper before it's read.

STG Humf's Dog


Loon calls Humf's dog a baby toy, and Humf is embarrassed, so he decides to leave it in the park, which he later regrets.

STG Humf and Loon's Special Treat


Humf accompanies Loon and her mom while she runs errands; Loon's mom promises them a special treat when they're finished.

STG Wallace's Favourite Toy


Humf has a new red airplane and it is his favourite toy. Wallace comes to play and he likes Humf's new airplane too. But when he goes home, Humf can't find it anywhere!

STG Wallace's Tie


Wallace has to wear a tie because he is going to a wedding, which gives Loon the idea of playing weddings, and Humf the opportunity to put on a tie, too.

STG Uncle Hairy's Keys


Humf and Uncle Hairy each write a letter to take to the post office, but Humf accidentally mails Uncle Hairy's keys, too.

STG Sitting Next to Uncle Hairy


Humf and his friends have lunch together. They all want to sit next to Uncle Hairy. Then they go to the park, and everyone wants to hold Uncle Hairy's hand!